RCV123.org is trusted by schools, universities, businesses,

non-profits and government agencies

400,000 votes and 37,000 elections and counting

System Features

  • Unlimited usage, always free
  • Open voting: no account needed to make election or to vote
  • Verified voting: four methods available
  • Unlimited number of voters
  • Up to 30 candidates and 20 ranks
  • Embed ballot into any web page
  • Duplicate-vote deterrence system on open voting
  • Option to keep election results private 
  • Set election start- and end-dates and times
  • Randomize candidate ballot order
  • Same or better verified voting methods as paid sites
    • Send 128-bit unique voting links by email. Just click and vote.
    • Hand-out unique 9-digit codes on paper at in-person meetings
    • Upload email addresses that voters must verify
    • Upload your group’s Member IDs voters must verify

    Recent Uses of RCV123

    • National medical association board of director election
    • Campus-wide student government elections
    • Book club book poll
    • Law school scholarship winners
    • Local non-profit board of directors vote
    • Family reunion destination poll
    • Ranked poll to schedule meetings
    • Class decides which Shakespeare play to read
    • Employee poll of which interviewee to hire
    • Halloween costume contest winner
    • Neighborhood association leadership vote
    • Political online straw poll
    • Movie night poll
    • Student club leadership vote
    • Poll to find the coolest new new band name
    • Find consensus on which video game to play
    • Poll of company retreat seminar topics
    • Chamber of Commerce leadership election
    • Debate contest judging